
Friday 29 November 2019

More Cruel Seas

On Friday we played another Cruel Seas scenario at the Tring Club. Colin organised an opposed beach landing, the British had to get an undisclosed number of troops onto the beach, escorted by a Flower class corvette and 4 Fairmile D's. The Germans had two bunkers on the beach with a 50mm AT gun in each and 4 S-boats.

In the end the S-boats were all sunk quite quickly (one by a German torpedo!), for the loss of only 1 Fairmile, so we allowed Mark to have two more in reserve, which turned the game around completely. We also sank both the reserve S-boats but not before they had sunk another Fairmile, two of the LCIs and one of the LCAs. When the bunker guns finished off the last LCI the Brits could no longer get enough troops onto the beach to achieve their victory conditions.

Just a few pictures.
 The initial wave of s-boats move forward.

 The view of the landing fleet from the beach.

 Two Fairmiles cut across the front of the LCAs to get to grips with the S-boats.

The first successful torpedo hit for the Germans, unfortunately it was on an S-boat.

A second torpedo hit on the large LCI quickly sunk it.

Other games that evening:

 An Indian Mutiny game with Sharp Practice.

 A second Sharp Practice game in the ACW, the Union forces.

 And the rebel cavalry advance.

And a Warhammer 40K game.

Monday 18 November 2019

More Mounties at Tring

I ran another 1920's skirmish game at the club this week, unfortunately this time my Mounties didn't get their man!

I used the same scenario as the last game LINK , but this time with only 4 players.

 The set up at the start, clockwise from the top left, Frenchie's gang, Tony "No Nose" and his hoods, the Mounties and Lumberjack's gang.

 Tony's bunch of low life.

 The heroic officers of the law.

 Lumberjack and his men.

 First blood to the Mounties! One of Tony's gunmen is dead and another has been knocked down with a minor graze.

 Frenchie rapidly advances towards one of the trucks, whist his men start shooting at anything that moves. Taking on all three other players at once was not going to prove to be the best plan in the long run!

 Another of Tony's minions falls to the dead-eye RCMP.

Some of Lumberjack's men try to out flank Frenchie.....

 ....and take out one of his goons.

 Two of Frenchie's men get into the truck and start the engine, but one of them is shot down my Lumberjack's men.

Caught in a cross fire Frenchie drops along with most of his gang (that will teach him to start a fight with everyone else at once!).

His last minion attempts to drive off with one of the trucks, but is riddled with bullets by the Mounties.

After their earlier successes, one of the two Mounties picking off Tony's men is taken out by the gangster's return fire.

The final situation. All the Mounties are now down, one of Lumberjack's men is racing off in one of the trucks and Tony's last gangster had just got his truck over the bridge and across the border into the USA.

Other games on last Friday:

A Congo game.

A 6mm Black Powder game set in the War of the Spanish Succession.

A Dystopian Wars naval battle.

And a game of the new Necromunda, which unfortunately wasn't set up by the time I went to take a picture!